sam & marley go to milkshake factory

a script for a play that i wrote that spiraled into a comic i'd like to do


marley halendatchberly

a city endeared cynic with a heart of melting plastic, marley is 20 years of age and has remained apparently "not interested" in joy for at least 12 of those. unafraid of critics, although their antics often twist her odds and ends, marley seems shy, and is shy, but is only moreso quiet. her apathy towards any-and-every-thing has developed into a sick and maladjusted intrepretation of bravery; marley does not fear.


samantha clairmentime morris

a rebel as her center as opposed to a method, sam is as emotionally invested in her peers as she is her present choice of corduroy; both are matters of life and death itself. wanting to be "liked" but not having any further concept means that there is always a new someone for sam to focus on-a somebody else to make a home within; a second something for sam to forever break away from.

this story hasn't gone anywhere yet.

but should you subscribe to my magical newsletter, just in case? idk, i'm not your boss... you.


about the newsletter

about this button

here it is. this is it. the heart of all evil and darkness; the klawmachinewsletter. god, do not forsake the reader now-they must enter their email into the email space below and then select the "subscrib" button so that they can get all the latest updates on klawmachin.comachin. otherwise, their fate is sealed, and Gambhorra'ta will win! you don't want that,

do you?

this button will probably take you to klawmachin.comachin - there have been a few reports of the button taking people to an "evil" klawmachin site, but such a button does not exist, so this button is probably safe, which is my best guess,

but, i dunno, try it?